Tuesday 12 July 2011

nyan cat fever strike out!!!

Nyan cat fever alert!!
Now, Nyan cat has been a incredible phenomenon!
There's game about Nyan cat, Merchandise, Challenge game, Videos and so much more!
Look below

Here's the video in Youtube and that timer thingy below are just AWESOME!
And Youtube just make it special for NYANCAT!

 The nyancat game in Facebook...
Here's the link to the game > Nyanicorn

And this is the NON-STOP NYAN CAT!
A challenge where you have to hear 'NYAN'ing for how long...
And this is my time...85253.0 seconds! and it is equal to about 24 hours!
And my hear still cant stop 'NYAN'ing even I already stop it.
Here's the link to the challenge, if you up for the challenge...haha > Non Stop Nyan Cat!

Some of the merchandise I found in Google. I dont know where to get this, but I WANT ONE!!! there's also t'shirt, pillows, and so much more and I found it in Google.

Another Nyan Cat game and it also available on IPHONE...
Here's the link to the game > NYAN CAT LOST IN SPACE

Disclaimer: I do not own or create or take advantage on all the products or creations mention in this post


1 comment:

  1. Wow! I'm obsessed with Nyan cat too! Right now I'm searching on where to find that necklace! There are some awesome clay nyan cat stuff on www.deviantart.com


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