Wednesday 13 July 2011

depress? not only you...

You think that you're the only one who depress?
Think about others too.
You being ignore?
That's life. Be with it!
Not ONLY YOU are being ignore.
Did you know how I felt when I ask you and you ignore it?
And I cant believe, THAT THING always be in the way huh?
You more trusted THAT THING over me?
THAT THING really know how to make you floating huh?
You don't know what has happen to me.
You don't even ask.
It's like you the ONLY ONE that having a problem.
Or maybe my ACT just too good?
You said I'm always happy and cheerful and hear all you guys' problems.
But it's looks like I'm the bad guy for RUNNING AWAY when you depress.
What is that?
Or maybe the JEALOUSY just runs wild?
Looks like THAT THING always gonna be a problem at the end right?
Maybe you were ignore yesterday? Hohoho
Whats up with me always being ignore when you go all LOVEY DOVEY with THAT THING.
Do you know how hard is it to watch the someone that you love flirting all over other girls and you know the girl love that person too?
And yesterday, I'm not even talking to him, but I'm talking to a different person.
And you're JEALOUS or what?!
I ask you what is the problem, and you didnt answer.
I concern about you but what is the result?
Being IGNORE for being CONCERN?
WOW! That's feel sooooooooooooo damn good!!
I thought you were my best friend, but I think my thought were just wrong. 
It is just WRONG!
 Thank You for EVERYTHING

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