Sunday 31 July 2011

Selamat Mengambut Ramadhan al-Mubarak!!

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan al-Mubarak
kepada Keluarga Ain,
Rakan2, Guru2 
semua muslim di muka bumi ini
Semoga puasa kita diterima Allah SWT 
sentiasa dipelihara iman kita oleh-Nya

Who? What? Why? When? How?





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Wednesday 27 July 2011

. . . P i l i h a n . . .

Manusia - Eh, dah subuh dah?
Malaikat - bangunlah wahai anak Adam, tunaikan solat subuh mu ....
Syaitan - Alahhhhhh, kejaplah, ngantuk ini...awal lagi nie?.zzzzzzzz

Manusia - Nak makan, laparlah ??
Malaikat - Wahai Anak Adam, mulakanlah dengan Bismillah....
Syaitan - Ahh, tak payahla... dah lapar ini !! mmm..sedapnyaaaa? ..

Manusia - Hari ni nak pakai apa ye?
Malaikat - Wahai anak Adam, pakailah pakaian yang menutup aurat..
Syaitan - Ehh, panaslah, takde style langsung, nampak kampung!!!

Manusia - Alamak, dah lewat!
Malaikat - Bersegeralah wahai manusia , nanti terlewat ke pejabat.....
Syaitan - Ahhh?awal lagi?mmm..aaahh? suruh si X, punchkanlah?

Manusia - Azan sudah kedengaran.. ..
Malaikat - Wahai anak Adam, bersegeralah menunaikan kewajipan
Syaitan - Baru pukul berapa.. rilex lah..awal lagi nieii?.

Manusia - Eh, eh.... tak boleh tengok ini, berdosa...
Malaikat - Wahai anak Adam, alihkanlah pandanganmu, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Melihat dan mengetahui !
Syaitan - Perggghh... best tu... . rugi ooo kalau tak tengok nie..

Manusia - Saudaraku sedang melakukan dosa
Malaikat - Wahai anak Adam, cegahla ia..
Syaitan - Apa kau sibuk? Jangan jaga tepi kain orang, lantaklahh? ..

Manusia - Elok kalau aku sampaikan nasihat ini kepada orang lain
Malaikat - Wahai anak Adam, nasihat-menasihatil ah sesama kamu..
Syaitan - Sendiri pikirlah, semua dah besar, buat apa susah2... pandai2lah?

Manusia - aku telah berdosa..
Malaikat - Wahai anak Adam, bertaubatlah kamu,sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun. .
Syaitan - Tangguhlah dulu, lain kali boleh bertaubat... lagipun muda hanya sekali....rugila. .... (kalau sempatla)

Manusia - Kalau pergi, mesti seronok!
Malaikat - Wahai anak Adam, kakimu ingin melangkah ke jalan yang dimurkai Allah, berpalinglah dari jalan itu ....
Syaitan - Jangan bimbang, tiada sesiapa yang tahu...Jomlahhh?

Manusia - Uuhhh?letihnya arini..tak solat lagi nieee?.
Malaikat - Wahai anak Adam, taatilah Allah dan RasulNYA, kebahagiaan di dunia dan akhirat untukmu. Solat itu wajib bagimu...
Syaitan - Hey anak Adam, ikutilah aku,kebahagiaan di dunia (sahaja) dan kebahagiaan diakhirat (jangan mimpilah!) untukmu....

Sekarang anda mempunyai 3 pilihan :
1... Anda - Patutke aku biarkan teks ini tetap di sini..
2. Malaikat - Ingatkan pada kawan yang anda kenal (sebarkan ini)
3. Syaitan - Tak payahlah sebuk2 biar je disini..kalo boleh delete je.

Homemade Pizza Recipe

  • Prep time: 2 hours
  • Cook time: 30 minutes


Pizza Dough: Makes enough dough for two 10-12 inch pizzas
  • 1 1/2 cups warm water (105°F-115°F)
  • 1 package (2 1/4 teaspoons) of active dry yeast (check the expiration date on the package)
  • 3 1/2 cups bread flour (can use all-purpose but bread flour will give you a crisper crust)
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
Pizza Ingredients
  • Olive oil
  • Cornmeal (to slide the pizza onto the pizza stone)
  • Tomato sauce (purée)
  • Mozzarella or Parmesan cheese, shredded
  • Feta cheese
  • Mushrooms, thinly sliced
  • Bell peppers, stems and seeds removed, thinly sliced
  • Italian sausage, cooked ahead
  • Chopped fresh basil
  • Pesto
  • Pepperoni, thinly sliced
  • Onions, thinly sliced
Special equipment needed
  • A pizza stone, highly recommended if you want your pizza dough to be crusty
  • A pizza peel or a flat baking sheet
  • A pizza wheel for cutting the pizza, not required, but easier to deal with than a knife


Making the Pizza Dough

1 In the large bowl of a heavy duty electric mixer (such as a Kitchen Aid), add the warm water. Sprinkle on the yeast and let sit for 5 minutes until the yeast is dissolved. Stir to dissolve completely if needed at the end of 5 minutes.

2 Attach a mixing paddle to the mixer. Mix in the olive oil, flour, salt and sugar on low speed for about a minute. Remove the mixing paddle and replace with a dough hook. Knead using the mixer and dough hook, on low to medium speed, until the dough is smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes. If you don't have a mixer, you can mix and knead by hand. If the dough seems a little too wet, sprinkle on a bit more flour.

3 Place ball of dough in a bowl that has been coated lightly with olive oil. Turn the dough around in the bowl so that it gets coated with the oil. Cover with plastic wrap. Let sit in a warm place (75-85°F) until it doubles in size, about 1 to 1 1/2 hours (or several hours longer, a longer rise will improve the flavor). If you don't have a warm spot in the house you can heat the oven to 150 degrees, and then turn off the oven. Let the oven cool till it is just a little warm, then place the bowl of dough in this warmed oven to rise.
At this point, if you want to make ahead, you can freeze the dough in an airtight container for up to two weeks.

Preparing the Pizzas

1 Place a pizza stone on a rack in the lower third of your oven. Preheat the oven to 450°F for at least 30 minutes, preferably an hour.
2 Remove the plastic cover from the dough and punch the dough down so it deflates a bit. Divide the dough in half. Form two round balls of dough. Place each in its own bowl, cover with plastic and let sit for 10 minutes.
3 Prepare your desired toppings. Note that you are not going to want to load up each pizza with a lot of toppings as the crust will end up not crisp that way. About a third a cup each of tomato sauce and cheese would be sufficient for one pizza. One to two mushrooms thinly sliced will cover a pizza.

4 Working one ball of dough at a time, take one ball of dough and flatten it with your hands on a slightly floured work surface. Starting at the center and working outwards, use your fingertips to press the dough to 1/2-inch thick. Turn and stretch the dough until it will not stretch further. Let the dough relax 5 minutes and then continue to stretch it until it reaches the desired diameter - 10 to 12 inches. Use your palm to flatten the edge of the dough where it is thicker. You can pinch the very edges if you want to form a lip.

5 Brush the top of the dough with olive oil (to prevent it from getting soggy from the toppings). Use your finger tips to press down and make dents along the surface of the dough to prevent bubbling. Let rest another 5 minutes.
Repeat with the second ball of dough.

6 Lightly sprinkle your pizza peel (or flat baking sheet) with corn meal. Transfer one prepared flattened dough to the pizza peel. If the dough has lost its shape in the transfer, lightly shape it to the desired dimensions.

7 Spoon on the tomato sauce, sprinkle with cheese, and place your desired toppings on the pizza.

8 Sprinkle some cornmeal on the baking stone in the oven (watch your hands, the oven is hot!). Gently shake the peel to see if the dough will easily slide, if not, gently lift up the edges of the pizza and add a bit more cornmeal. Slide the pizza off of the peel and on to the baking stone in the oven. Bake pizza one at a time until the crust is browned and the cheese is golden, about 10-15 minutes. If you want, toward the end of the cooking time you can sprinkle on a little more cheese.
Yield: Makes 2 10-12-inch pizzas.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Cinta . . .

Ya Aziz..
Jika Cinta Adalah Ketertawanan
Tawanlah Aku Dengan Cinta Kepada-Mu
Agar tidak Ada Lagi Yang Dapat Menawanku Selain Engkau
Ya Rahim..
Jika Cinta Adalah Pengorbanan
Tumbuhkan Niat Dari Semua Pengorbananku
Semata-mata Tulus Untuk-Mu
Agar Aku Ikhlas Menerima Apapun Keputusan-Mu
Ya Robbi..
Jika Rindu Adalah Rasa Sakit Yang Tidak Menemukan Puncanya
Penuhilah Rasa Sakitku Dengan Rindu Kepada-Mu
Dan Jadikan Kematianku Sebagai punca Pertemuanku Dengan-Mu
Ya Robbi..
Jika Sayang Adalah Sesuatu Yang Mempesona
Ikatlah Aku Dengan Pesona-Mu
Agar Damai Sentiasa Ku rasakan
Saat Terucap Syukurku Atas Nikmat Dari-Mu
Ya Allah..
Jika Kasih Adalah KebahagiaanYang Tiada Bertepi
Tumbuhkan Kebahagiaan Dalam Hidupku
Di saat Ku persembahkan Sesuatu Untuk-Mu
Ya Allah..
Hatiku Hanya Cukup Untuk Satu Cinta
Jika Aku Tak Dapat Mengisinya Dengan Cinta Kepada-Mu
Ke manakah Wajahku Hendak Ku sembunyikan Dari-Mu
Ya Rahman..
Dunia Yang Engkau Bentangkan Begitu Luas
Bagai Belantara Yang Tak Dapat Ku tembus Di Malam Yang Gelap Gelita
Agar Tidak Tersesat Dalam Menjejakinya
Ya Rahim..
Berikan Alas Kaki Buat Hamba Agar Jalan Yang Ku lalui Terasa Nikmat
Meski Penuh Dengan Bebatuan Runcing & Duri Yang Tajam
Aku Sedar  Semua Ini Milikmu
Dan Suatu Saat Jika Kau Kehendaki
Semuanya Akan Kembali Jua Kepada-Mu

Aku  pasrahkan kehidupanku  kepada-Mu…

Sunday 17 July 2011

curtains project begin! part 1

So tired to make it. Huhu...but the windows have to have covers!
Since my new home's window so damn long, I have to make new ones.
Guess how many window in this house? It's 10 windows! not to mention, 2 doors that have to have curtains too.
Hurm...that is hell a lot of money to be use. = =''' money
And owh yeah! Pillow cushions... I have to make that too... = =''' money again
Sing along time! *It's all about the money, money, money...*
Hahaha...Every time I think about money, I remember this song...
*It's all about the money, money, money...*
Okey, back to the main point. So, I need 2.5 meters of fabric materials for one side of the curtains. 1 window need 2 side make it 5 meters per window and I have 4 windows, so I need 20 meters of fabric materials.
For the longest window, it needs 3 side of fabric. So it's need 7.5 meters of fabric. 
The 2 doors need 5 meters.
2 bedroom windows need about 2 meters of fabric.
1 bedroom window needs 2.5 meters of fabric.
Kitchen window needs 0.5 meters of fabric.
So the calculation here;

So I need 37.5 meters of "grandfather's" money will fly away
That is hell a lot of fabric...
Pillow cushions will be discuss later...
GTG...gonna make measurements again now...

Wednesday 13 July 2011

depress? not only you...

You think that you're the only one who depress?
Think about others too.
You being ignore?
That's life. Be with it!
Not ONLY YOU are being ignore.
Did you know how I felt when I ask you and you ignore it?
And I cant believe, THAT THING always be in the way huh?
You more trusted THAT THING over me?
THAT THING really know how to make you floating huh?
You don't know what has happen to me.
You don't even ask.
It's like you the ONLY ONE that having a problem.
Or maybe my ACT just too good?
You said I'm always happy and cheerful and hear all you guys' problems.
But it's looks like I'm the bad guy for RUNNING AWAY when you depress.
What is that?
Or maybe the JEALOUSY just runs wild?
Looks like THAT THING always gonna be a problem at the end right?
Maybe you were ignore yesterday? Hohoho
Whats up with me always being ignore when you go all LOVEY DOVEY with THAT THING.
Do you know how hard is it to watch the someone that you love flirting all over other girls and you know the girl love that person too?
And yesterday, I'm not even talking to him, but I'm talking to a different person.
And you're JEALOUS or what?!
I ask you what is the problem, and you didnt answer.
I concern about you but what is the result?
Being IGNORE for being CONCERN?
WOW! That's feel sooooooooooooo damn good!!
I thought you were my best friend, but I think my thought were just wrong. 
It is just WRONG!
 Thank You for EVERYTHING

Tuesday 12 July 2011

nyan cat fever strike out!!!

Nyan cat fever alert!!
Now, Nyan cat has been a incredible phenomenon!
There's game about Nyan cat, Merchandise, Challenge game, Videos and so much more!
Look below

Here's the video in Youtube and that timer thingy below are just AWESOME!
And Youtube just make it special for NYANCAT!

 The nyancat game in Facebook...
Here's the link to the game > Nyanicorn

And this is the NON-STOP NYAN CAT!
A challenge where you have to hear 'NYAN'ing for how long...
And this is my time...85253.0 seconds! and it is equal to about 24 hours!
And my hear still cant stop 'NYAN'ing even I already stop it.
Here's the link to the challenge, if you up for the challenge...haha > Non Stop Nyan Cat!

Some of the merchandise I found in Google. I dont know where to get this, but I WANT ONE!!! there's also t'shirt, pillows, and so much more and I found it in Google.

Another Nyan Cat game and it also available on IPHONE...
Here's the link to the game > NYAN CAT LOST IN SPACE

Disclaimer: I do not own or create or take advantage on all the products or creations mention in this post


CT scan awesome!!

Just done CT scan today... 
How excited I am, 
despite how many cells have died throughout the process... =u='''
That thing is so awesome, the way it spin around me..
Ah! you have to experience it by yourselves to know how awesome it is!
Hehe...Yeah, it difficult to experience it if you're not suspected for a serious disease...
Here's the picture of the CT scan;
See that metal thingy in the middle there? 
When the machine starts, there something running inside that surrounding my body...
And it is AWESOME!!! The sound of that thing cycling around me...
Ugh! I will never forget it. Just one change in a life time...
Unless I was suspected for another serious disease. = ='''
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