Saturday 14 May 2011


Once again, Friday become a sad day of my life.

Yesterday, I went to a interview for Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA). I interviewed for medical officer assistant. What a disaster! I answered all the questions with shaking voice, and I have one question that I cant answer. Oh my. My last change to run away from form 6 just blown away. The interview was just a failure. Argh! Now I can only pray for it. I will be hoping for miracle right now. I cant imagine if I didnt get this! I have to get through form 6 and taking science course! What a hell! I felt like crying right now! 

Then, I got new about my beloved grandmother got into the hospital and she's in critical condition. I heard that she will be taking an operation if her condition get even worse.

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