Monday 30 May 2011

Kung Fu Panda 2 : The Kaboom of Doom

Just get back from watching Kung Fu Panda 2 and it is freaking awesome!! I'm loving it! The best part is there's gonna be the baby Po! and he is so cute!!! Here's the picture of him;
Baby Po! Ain't he's cute?

Here's the synopsis of the movie;
Po is now living his dream as The Dragon Warrior, protecting the Valley of Peace alongside his friends and fellow kung fu masters, The Furious Five – Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey. But Po’s new life of awesomeness is threatened by the emergence of a formidable villain, who plans to use a secret, unstoppable weapon to conquer China and destroy kung fu. It is up to Po and The Furious Five to journey across China to face this threat and vanquish it. But how can Po stop a weapon that can stop kung fu? He must look to his past and uncover the secrets of his mysterious origins; only then will he be able to unlock the strength he needs to succeed.

Disclaimer : All of the pictures and the posters are not belongs to me

Saturday 28 May 2011

Selamat Hari Gawai!!

Selamat Hari Gawai
yang menyambutnya.
Gayu Guru Gerai Nyamai!

ain' s (OwO)v 
p/s: Sorry if the art not that good

Saturday 21 May 2011

Pirate of the Caribbean : ON STRANGER TIDES

Oh gosh! I'm loving the forth Pirate of the Caribbean! You better go watch it! I'm falling in love with Johnny Depp all over again! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

Some of the posters;


PENELOPE CRUZ as ANGELICA. How so say it....hurm..She's kinda Jack Sparrow lover... And she impersonate as Captain Jack Sparrow at the beginning of the movie to recruit ship crews to begin the journey for the search the Fountain of Youth.

I dont know much about this characters. But they give rise to love story in this movie.

 The MERMAIDS..Aaaah..They're wild! Dont be fooled by their beauty!

 She's the mermaid who is captured to get her tears for the Fountain of Youth ritual. 
Well as usual I forgot her name.
I always have a hard time remembering names...huhu 

 the BLACKBEARD. He's not that powerful. Just his sword lol...

Aaaah~ CAPTAIN BARBOSSA. He's became an "English Man" in this movie. Work for the King. He's not really doing his work. He just want to kill BLACKBEARD..haha



Friday 20 May 2011

always smile

Did this when first day in my new school...
I forgot to bring pencil, so I did this using pen...




cool science!

Looks like I would like to share awesome video about chemical reactions and cool experiment.

I would like to search this sodium accitate thingy. It's just so cool. Touch it, and it instantly turns into ice! I even can make sculpture with it! Such an art! 

Tuesday 17 May 2011

maid USUK

A drawing of axis power hetalia pairing, USUK
In maid dress! hehe >w<

Sorry if it's not that good...QwQ

Axis Power Hetalia is not belongs to me.

teacher's day special

nih artwork tuk teacher's day >w<

telambat lak siap... =w=''
xpa la, apa2 pun,
kepada cikgu2 yg telah mengajar dan mendidik saya...
cikgu2 tadika kemas Pt Abdul Rahman,
cikgu2 sekolah kebangsaan seri tanjong,
cikgu2 sekolah menengah kebangsaan dato' sulaiman,
cikgu2 sekolah menengah kebangsaan tunku putra,
dan semua cikgu didunia ni...

Hetalia Fantasy!

So this month I wanna share another vid:

Hetalia Fantasy! hahaha... I kinda falling in love with Russia when watching this video...So much different with the original Russia.

Sunday 15 May 2011


Selamat Hari Guru kepada
1999             ♥ Cikgu2 Tadika Kemas Pt Abdul Rahman

2000 - 2005  ♥ Cikgu2 Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Tanjong

2006 - 2010  ♥ Cikgu2 Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Dato' Sulaiman 

2011             ♥ Cikgu2 Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tunku Putra

Saya sayang cikgu suma!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

anime review : NICHIJOU

  • EPISOD : 26
  • GENRE : Lawak, Persekolahan, Kisah kehidupan
  • STATUS : Sedang dikeudarakan
  • RATE : PG-13, 13 tahun ke atas
Merupakan anime simple yg mengisahkan kehidupan sekolah seharian tetapi dalam keadaan yg tidak seperti biasa. Anime ini berlatar belakangkan sebuah sekolah yg pelik. Terdapat jua robot yg berupa manusia dan boleh mengeluarkan kek gulung (rollcake) dari tangannya. Yang uniknya, terdapat beberapa bahasa melayu digunakan dalam anime ini contohnya, 'Selamat Pagi'. Jalan cerita agak pelik. Tapi memang lawak. Tak rugi kalau tengok anime ni.


Saturday 14 May 2011


Once again, Friday become a sad day of my life.

Yesterday, I went to a interview for Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA). I interviewed for medical officer assistant. What a disaster! I answered all the questions with shaking voice, and I have one question that I cant answer. Oh my. My last change to run away from form 6 just blown away. The interview was just a failure. Argh! Now I can only pray for it. I will be hoping for miracle right now. I cant imagine if I didnt get this! I have to get through form 6 and taking science course! What a hell! I felt like crying right now! 

Then, I got new about my beloved grandmother got into the hospital and she's in critical condition. I heard that she will be taking an operation if her condition get even worse.


Lama sungguh x tgk blog nih..sungguh bersepah...dah la xda follower..sedeh2..huhu...on the way nak hias2...lama ku tinggalkn...malas lak nak buat benda alah ni..penat2...dah la skolah dah start...ambik form6, pastu sains lak bunuh diri jek aku nih...huhu...
satu kelas aku sorang melayu..ada sorang lelaki tu x tau la melayu ke india, tp yg pasti yang len sume cina...1 malaysia sungguh..haha...agak terasing la aku..dah la masuk skolah lain, tambah pulak diorg ni klo dah bebual mmg aku x paham...huhu..sedeh gak bila diingatkn...teringat lak si bun2 tetiba...haha

Tuesday 10 May 2011

i'm dead! x_x

So, I have to take 4 subject and MUET in my form6.
:bulletpink:Pengajian am (general studies)
:bulletpink:Mathematics T

My first impression on these subject
:bulletwhite:First, the General Studies
KINDA SUCKS! It just like History! And I hate History!

:bulletwhite:Then, Mathematics T
DAMN SUCKS!!! I damn f**king hate Math! With all the formula I have to remember! It's just damn perfect!

:bulletwhite:After that, Biology
FREAKIN' LOVE IT!! I just love biology!

:bulletwhite:The forth one, Chemistry
50:50...Still at pH7...neutral

:bulletwhite:And the last one, MUET
50:50 also, coz I have no idea what MUET is...All I know MUET is it have to do with ENGLISH

AARGH!! Now I'm really hoping that my interview with SPA will be done successfully!

:onfire: This is me right now! My head burning with sensation of insanity!!

:sadangel: Now I felt like crying!! Why I have to do this thing all over again!!!! QwQ

Mood: Hysterical

Sunday 8 May 2011

mother's day special

Hari2 hari tgk suma wish..nak wish la gak...hehe
\\( QwQ )//

satu lagi artwork sempena hari ibu. fanart of Italy from Axis Power Hetalia

Happy Mother's day to every mother in this world!!!

Friday 6 May 2011


  • EPISOD : 13
  • GENRE : Lawak, Persekolahan, Kuasa x wujud di dunia reality, Crossdressing
  • STATUS : Selesai dikeudarakan (2010)
  • RATE : PG-13, 13 tahun ke atas
Cerita berkisarkan tentang Akihisa Yoshii, yang "baka". Sekolahnya membahagikan pelajar2nya kepada beberapa kelas berdasarkan keputusan peperiksaan. Pelajar di kelas A disediakan dgn perabot yg selesa lengkap dgn pendingin hawa.Tapi Akihisa berada di kelas F, kelas tercorot dalam skolah tu dan hanya disediakan perabot yg reput dan suasana yg x menyenangkn mata memandang. Ada sorg budak prumpuan, Mizuki Himeji yg merupakan pelajar bijak dalam tahun tersebut pun telah dimasukkan ke dalam kelas F sebab dia demam pada hari peperiksaan. Selain Mizuki, ada gak watak nama Yuuji Sakamoto, ketua kelas yg merupakan kawan Yoshii dan juga ''partner-in-crime'' sejak tahun pertama persekolahan.

Pelajar2 boleh menukar perabot2 itu dgn bertanding menggunakan satu sistem yg dipanggil ''summons battle system 'or' ESB''. Pelajar akan menyeru watak dan kuasa watak itu berdasarkan markah peperiksaan mereka. Kuasa boleh ditambah dgn mengambil seberapa banyak kertas peperiksaan.

  • MUSIM KEDUA : on the way lagi...maybe bulan JULAI kelak

Wednesday 4 May 2011


This song does make me remembering him.
Some lyrics just like talking about him.
Such as:

You're so hypnotising
could u be the devil, could you be an angel
your touch magnetizing
feels like going floating, leave my body glowing
I cant forget about him. But I have no idea if he's good guy or not. When I'm thinking about him, I felt like I'm the whole other place.
Then, this lyrics

They say be afraid
you're not like the others, futuristic lovers
different DNA, they dont understand u
My family said, be careful, he may be a killer or a bad guy. But, he is so different. I never can found this kind of guy like ever. He's so different. His attitude, his feature, he just so different from others. Then,

You're from a whole other/another world
a different dimention
you open my eyes
and im ready to go, lead me into the light
He's from a place that really far away from me. A sea separate us. But I still loving him. He did open my eyes about the world. And he's the person who make me realize about the world. 

Kiss me, k-k-kiss me
infect me with your love, and fill me with your poison
take me, t-t-take me
wanna be your victim, ready for abduction
boy, you're an alien, your touch so foreign
its supernatural, extraterrestrial
The only thing, he doesn't know about I'm loving him. I want his love, I want his care, I want him to take me. He's such and alien. He's attitude just make him special. He's weird, he's different.
You're so super sonic
wanna feel your powers, stumb me with your lasers
your kiss is cosmic, every move is magic
He's just incredible. He got the power that only I can feel it. Even he didn't realize he got that power. It's just magic. Maybe the others call him weird and uncertain, (but he is weird) I call him, unique and one in the millions.
You're from a whole other/another world
a different dimension
you open my eyes
and im ready to go, lead me into the light

Kiss me, k-k-kiss me
infect me with your love, and fill me with your poison
take me, t-t-take me
wanna be your victim, ready for abduction
boy, you're an alien, your touch so foreign
its supernatural, extraterrestrial

There is this transcendental, on another level
boy, you're my lucky star
i wanna walk on your wave length
and be there when you vibrate
for you i risk it all
And for this phrase, he really support me in every things. He help me with a lot of things. Without him, I maybe never get into this life right now. So, he is my lucky star. I really wanna know more about him, I wanna know his past life, I wanna know all about him, I wanna be the person that always by his side. Even he's not in bad mood, I wanna be by his side, even that could hurt me, could make me sad. I will be there for him. I ready to risk it all. Everything! 

Kiss me, k-k-kiss me
infect me with your love, and fill me with your poison
take me, t-t-take me
wanna be your victim, ready for abduction
boy, you're an alien, your touch so foreign
its supernatural, extraterrestrial



Boy, you're an alien, your touch so foreign
its supernatural, extraterrestrial
So, he is very special and one of the kind. I never met a guy like this before. He's just perfect in my eyes. Even everybody maybe call him as weirdo or inconsiderate, he's just enough for me. Maybe you call me weird for loving this kind of guy, but I really into this kind of guy. I look in different perspective. Even the first time I knew him, I can only looked at his words and phrases, and I already falling in love with his words without knowing his face. Now, I know his face, he's got the feature that I want. He's just perfect. If someone ask me 'What you love about him?', I'll answer, his words, his eyes, his teeth, his attitude, his craziness, his everything! But, that's something that I hate. I hate when he's flirting with other girls, even he's not officially mine, and he have no idea i love him, and i know it's only a joke, its still hurt my feeling. I think this is enough to tell about him. I never wrote this long before. Maybe, he is the ONE. The only thing, do we will ever meet?
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