Saturday 5 November 2016

Trust Nobody

People can easily create and make up stories of you without you knowing or allowed to defend yourself. They just assume you are like that and don't even letting you to explain yourself. Especially, the person that making up stories are really "reliable" and "believable" by everyone. They just gonna believe the person blindly. 

All of a sudden, they'll go silent on you. Like you're dead to them. And here I am, left behind, puzzled. Don't really knowing what actually happening. They were okay yesterday, but completely silent the next day. What did I done? What have I done? 

Now, I don't really know what to do anymore. Everyone have that limit, and they kinda crossed the line. And I don't even bother to care anymore. Maybe this is the end? I never thought this day would come. I'm just gonna go my own way. I will try to ignore all the things that happening in front of my eyes. Try to forget every memories we created together.

I actually feel stabbed. But I can't say anything because I don't really know what is happening. I'm really confuse. Is this kind of a test? A test of loyalty? So called friendship? The heck! I'm kinda piss too. Huuuh....

ain's (OwO)v

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