Monday 19 September 2016

It's Been A Long, Long Time

I cant believe that it's been about 3 years since my last post. Life has been different. Not a very good one, but enough to make me continue my life happily. 

A lot of changes has happen. Believe it or not, I'm in college now. I never thought that I would continue my study. I think I paused a little bit to long. It's time to hit the play button and continue the game again. 

I think I've found a new game that I'm didn't expect to like at the beginning, but ended up loving it. A game of life. And apparently I'm aiming for the victory. 

I've found lot's of friends along the way and I've found some enemies too. And apparently I've found someone that I like. The perfect, cookie cutter, dream guy. He's not a "dream guy" at first but he's turning into one actually. And I'm confused with my own feeling.

Enough that, I think I'm gonna revamp this blog and continue to blogging. Gonna be a lot of random things or maybe I'm just gonna use this for ranting haha. It's gonna be a good get away from the tiring real life. I hope I still remember how to do all the coding. Need to make this more adult I think? Or maybe I should make a new blog entirely. Hurm...

Good bye for now, Need to sleep. I'm so tired today. The lack of sleep making me strangely hyper. A weird way to channel the remaining energy. I hope this won't be the last post I'm gonna write here. 

ain's (OwO)v

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