Saturday 30 April 2011


Argh!! Another rejection. This is so annoying!
1st rejection from KPLSPM. Now, Matriculation College reject me.
What next??
Now my heart is so unstable. Maybe I'm not good enough.
My last chance is from SPA. Interview on 13 May 2011. Damn nervous!
Oh my gosh! What should I do?? My confidence just drop down to the ground.
I need to prepare myself for this. No, I MUST prepare myself.
This is my last chance! I cant blow this away just like that!
My future will be determined base on what I do on that day!
I need all the luck that I can find.
And I need support. I cant do this alone

Friday 29 April 2011

funny! funny!

This is kinda funny....
Never thought that the drawing of UK from hetalia can be misunderstood as a drawing of my crush...
Honey....Looks like he never can get out of my mind yea....
Even the thing that not related to him became related to him...
I'm so in critical stage...ahaha
I just can laugh when thinking about it.

this is the drawing...

Saturday 2 April 2011

GRADUATE! yeah!!

At first I felt lazy to go to the graduation ceremony...
Well...I'm kinda force to enter it...
With my horrible result...I couldn't imagine what will happen...
But, thanks goodness I manage to strengthen my will to go...
So, I go to the ceremony...
And it was damn fun! I felt sorry to my friends that didn't go to the ceremony...
At first it was kinda boring during the speech...but after the ceremony ends....


We took pictures, laughing, making silly things...

Well, we all like 'datins2' in childish way...haha
Look! they can hear me screaming calling their name, so i just take the pic..haha
These just some of the pictures...
I took hell a lot more...Hundreds I think..haha
Too much to upload LOL
AAAAAH~~ I miss my school life...
If I can turn back the time...
Well that is impossible...Life have to move on...
But, seriously, I really miss school...
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